Monday, 14 January 2013

Animal Products - Natural De-Stressing Calming Diffuser

As humans we all know the drastic effects stress can have, but we have an outlet - we can tell people about how we feel. That is of course not an option available to our four-legged or winged companions - it's up to owners to detect and prevent, as far as possible, the effects stress is having on our pets. Individual animals react quite differently to stressful situations such as visiting the vet, loud noises, the arrival of a new pet (or new baby), separation from the pet's owner, staying in boarding kennels or moving to a new home - these are just a few of the situations which can result in stress being suffered by your pet. What we might consider an insignificant change may in fact be a major upheaval for your pet.
The old adage, "prevention is better than cure" is certainly appropriate in this case and whilst natural remedies are now becoming more and more widely accepted in the treatment of humans, it is now coming out of the shadows in the treatment of animals.
Stress in cats can manifest itself in many ways including:-
Loss of appetite
Reduced or absence of playfulness
Vertical scratching
Urine spray/marking
Stress in dogs can be caused by many different factors but tends to trigger erratic, unusual behaviour which can be irritating for owners.
Excessive barking - possibly a sign of fear which is a response to stress.
Trembling - another fear response and usually means there is something in their environment which is scaring them
Destruction - in a dog which has previously not exhibited this type of behaviour since they were a pup.
House soiling - changes from being fully house-trained and clean to accidents happening on a more or less daily basis.
Whining - if dogs are anxious they tend to whine
Body odours - bad breath is a common occurrence in dogs suffering from stress due to the secretion of gastrointestinal acids.
Excessive grooming - can include constant tail or genital licking.
One excellent product on the marketplace to help prevent and alleviate the effects of stress on pets is the Natural De-Stressing Calming Diffuser from Pet Remedy. It contains only natural remedies already well recognised for the treatment of anxiety and resulting stress. The effects of the diffuser are to gently soothe and calm your pet without any sedation. The plug-in for the diffuser utilises a blend of essential sweet oils including Basil, Sweet Sage, Valerian and Vetivert. The diffuser is suitable for use with all domestic animals including birds and mammals and also has a soothing effect on you, the owner - which is an added benefit. Each plug-in will last for approximately six weeks and refills are readily available. In addition to the plug-in device and bottle of oil (40ml) the pack contains a diffuser which can be hung in the car or over your pet's bed or crate. Simply place a few drops of oil onto the pad and the soothing aroma of the oil will gently dissipate through the air providing a calming, soothing effect on your pet to help combat the effects of any stress suffered.

1 comment:

  1. Hi There,
    You have shared very nice article.It is very useful.
    Thanks to share
