Sunday, 18 September 2011

Choosing a Cage for Your Pet Conure

It can be quite confusing choosing a cage for your pet conure, as there are a wide variety of cage types on the market, and determining which one is the most suitable for your bird is often quite a challenge. Although there are many different species of pet conures, they all have similar housing requirements. They need a spacious, sturdy, and durable cage that will stand up to the abuse of a conure's strong beak, which is used as an aid in climbing. You should strive to provide your bird with the biggest cage you can afford and comfortably accommodate in your home. Special care should be taken when choosing a cage to ensure that the cage bars are non-toxic. Galvanized metal, or stainless steel cages are recommended. Stainless steel food bowls are better than plastic bowls, as they will not only last longer, but they are easier to clean and more hygienic. Decide whether you wish to be able to move the cage around the house with ease. A large cage on castors is easier to move around than one without wheels.


Ultimately, the size of the cage required will be determined largely by the type, and size of your pet conure. Smaller conures don't need as big a cage as larger conures, but will certainly be grateful for as much as you can give them. Generally bigger cages tend to have a wider bar spacing, so if you are shopping for a cage for a small conure, it is important that you take note of the bar spacing, as this needs to be narrower than the bar spacing on cages for larger conures. In you efforts to provide your feathered friend with as big a cage as possible, this is something that may easily be overlooked.


Recommended Minimum Cage Size and Bar Spacing:

Small conures (Green Cheeked, Maroon Bellied, Black Capped, Dusky, Half Moon, Peach Fronted) minimum cage size 20 inch wide x 20 inch deep with a 3/8-1/2 inch bar spacing.
Medium conures (Sun Conures, Jenday Conures, and Nanday Conures) 24 inch wide x 24 inch deep with a 1/2-3/4 inch bar spacing.
Large conures (Patagonian Conures) 30 inch wide x 30 inch deep with a 3/4-7/8 inch bar spacing.


Flight cages offer extra length to allow your bird free flight across the cage. Double flight cages not only provide extra length for flight, but also offer extra height for climbing and provide more room for toys, or to hang a cosy bird hammock for your bird to snuggle into when he goes to roost. Flight cages are usually fitted with narrow spaced bars and narrow gauge wire, so are more suitable for small conures.

Dome-top cages offer extra height giving your bird more space for climbing, or to place toys or a sleeping hammock, making them ideal if your bird spends a lot of time in his cage while you are at work.

Montana Finka II Parrot Play Cage
Play-top cages are fitted with an external on-board activity area on top of the cage. The built-in play-gym often comes complete with toys, swings, ladders, extra perches, and food and water bowls, which can be very handy if your conure is likely to spend a lot of time out of his cage.

Aviary cages are large indoor or outdoor cages that provide the most natural environment for a caged pet bird. Their large size can accommodate natural branches, lots of toys, making them ideal for both small and large conures. Aviary cages range in size, and can be fitted on a patio, in an entrance hall, or in a sheltered outdoor area. They can provide an interesting feature and focal point to an indoor or outdoor area, but they obviously have some limitations in terms of both space and financial outlay required.

Ultimately, when choosing a cage for you pet bird, you need to select a cage that is most suited to your conures requirements, and that will best fit into your lifestyle, while at the same time making your birds comfort a top priority.

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